Diaconeasa appointed to ASME Executive Committee of the Safety Engineering & Risk Analysis Division

Congratulations to Dr. Mihai Diaconeasa, assistant professor of nuclear engineering, at NC State University. He has been appointed to the 4th Vice Chair-Secretary position of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis Division (SERAD). This position is for one year with the commitment for 5 years. After each year, Dr. Diaconeasa will be promoted to 3rd Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, 1st Vice Chair then finally Chair.

The function of SERAD is to stimulate interest in and disseminate risk analysis and safety information as applied to the process of mechanical engineering. And member activity has expanded to include product liability, loss prevention and occupational health. Also important areas include ergonomics, consumer product safety, liability prevention, improvements to manufacturing processes for safety, and safety in transportation systems.

ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods. Founded in 1880 by a small group of leading industrialists, ASME has grown through the decades to include more than 100,000 members in 140+ countries. Thirty-two thousand of these members are students.