Michael Long

Michael Long

MNE Student

Email: malong4@ncsu.edu

Mike is a graduate student under the advisory of Dr. Robert Hayes. He began enrollment at NC State’s Department of Nuclear Engineering in January 2020 and is working towards a master’s degree in nuclear engineering. Mike’s current research involves exploring various radiological applications of spacecraft technology. He is currently employed full-time as an aerospace engineer at a large defense contractor.


MNE Nuclear Engineering (graduating Fall 2023), North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

B.S. Aerospace Engineering 2019, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL

Embry-Riddle Honors Program Graduate

Publications and Presentations:

M. A. LONG, R. B. HAYES, “Evaluation of existing public dose limits applied to recreational spaceflight,” Oxford Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 199, Issue 5, Pg. 482-489, Apr. 2023.

M. A. LONG, R. B. HAYES, “Neutron activation analysis of novel space shielding for terrestrial applications,” El Sevier Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 398, Nov. 2022.

R. M. PUDELKO, M. A. LONG, S. C. HANSON, R. B. HAYES, “An Operational MCNP GUI Workshop,” American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting and Technology Expo, Washington, D.C, Nov. 30 – Dec. 4, 2021.